mod.ern - [mod-ern] - adjective
contemporary style that rejects firm adherence to traditionally accepted forms and emphasizes individual experimentation and sensibility.
or.gan.ic - [awr-gan-ik] - adjective
the systematic arrangement of parts: elements fitting together into a unified whole.
con.struc.tion - [kuh n-struhk-shuh n] - noun
the art of constructing.
MOC is a group of individuals dedicated to the art of construction. Our focus is creating new spaces that follow good design down a sustainable path. We feel strongly that the most sustainable practice is to build things that will last. We pursue this end through communication, education and planning. Each step forms a foundation for the next and thoughtful decisions from initial budget development through final punch is essential to the long term success of a project. In the simplest terms, we offer our customers the confidence that the quality of their project is as important to us as it is to them, and that their investment has true value.
contemporary style that rejects firm adherence to traditionally accepted forms and emphasizes individual experimentation and sensibility.
or.gan.ic - [awr-gan-ik] - adjective
the systematic arrangement of parts: elements fitting together into a unified whole.
con.struc.tion - [kuh n-struhk-shuh n] - noun
the art of constructing.
MOC is a group of individuals dedicated to the art of construction. Our focus is creating new spaces that follow good design down a sustainable path. We feel strongly that the most sustainable practice is to build things that will last. We pursue this end through communication, education and planning. Each step forms a foundation for the next and thoughtful decisions from initial budget development through final punch is essential to the long term success of a project. In the simplest terms, we offer our customers the confidence that the quality of their project is as important to us as it is to them, and that their investment has true value.